Artwork by Ng Yuet Lau, : EARTH PAPER GOLD / SILVER ( 土紙 )
artwork_by_customerHong KongNg Yuet Lau

Artwork by Ng Yuet Lau, : EARTH PAPER GOLD / SILVER ( 土紙 )

We received a great review and artworks from Professor Ng Yuet Lau, a famous master of the Lingnan School in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, an Honorary Fellow of the University of Chinese & S.H. Ho College, and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University,  about the Earth paper we sell.


We would like to express our sincere thanks to Professor Ng Yuet Lau and Ms. Eva Tsang for introducing us to the paper.

Professor Ng Yuet Lau ( 伍月柳教授 )

Ms.Eva Tsang


伍月柳教授,中國香港著名嶺南畫派大師,香港中文大學及善衡書院、香港理工大學榮譽院士,在繪畫「古梅園」所贈的 EARTH PAPER GOLD / SILVER ( 土紙 )後,現對此具200歷史的(土紙)有以下評價:

1. 紙質屬性的表面,質感非常幼滑,很合適用作工筆技法中的明細線條、勾勒技法等,如日本畫家竹內棲鳳 たけうち せいほう 的作品類別。(附圖作者的劍蘭花)

2. 紙質特性具彈性,韌性強,而且適合嶺南畫派的撞水撞粉法。( 見附圖的嶺南派山水畫 )

3. 土紙本身擁有接近 200年歷史的珍貴,其獨特的顏色更增添山水畫的古典美!

伍月柳 2022年7月3日

Professor Ng Yuet Lau, a famous master of the Lingnan School in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, an Honorary Fellow of the University of Chinese & S.H. Ho College, and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, after painting the EARTH PAPER GOLD / SILVER (soil paper) giving by "ICHI Inc, Japan", now has the following evaluation of this 200 year (soil paper):

1. The surface of the paper attribute, the texture is very smooth, very suitable for use in the brush technique in the fine line, outline technique, etc., such as the Japanese painter Takeuchi Qifeng たけうち せいほう of the work category. (Sword orchid of the author of the picture).

2. Paper characteristics have elasticity, strong toughness, and suitable for the Lingnan School of painting method of hitting water and hitting powder. (See Lingnan landscape painting with pictures).

3. The soil paper itself has a history of nearly 200 years of preciousness, and its unique colour adds to the classical beauty of landscape painting!


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