Now on SALE! Automatic Inkstick grinding machine “LUNLUN” by Kobaien 古梅园 ( 古梅園) 的自动墨条 ( 墨條 ) 研磨机

Now on SALE! Automatic Inkstick grinding machine “LUNLUN” by Kobaien 古梅园 ( 古梅園) 的自动墨条 ( 墨條 ) 研磨机

Automatic Inkstick grinding machine “LUNLUN” is on sale now!

自动墨棒研磨机 "LUNLUN "正在销售中

LUNLUN is the best-performing automatic ink grinding machine in Japan, which is the result of Kobaien's years of research.

This machine uses a unique sumi inkstick grinding plate specially developed by Kobaien, which produces very fine, high-quality sumi ink particles that are as fine as those produced by hand.

LUNLUN是日本性能最好的自动磨墨条(墨條)机,是古梅园 ( 古梅園 )多年研究的成果。

这台机器使用了古梅园 ( 古梅園 )特别开发的独特的苏木墨条(墨條)研磨板,可以生产出非常精细的高质量的苏木墨水颗粒,其精细程度不亚于手工制作的墨水。

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