The first new inkstick in 25 years!  Toukaen Paulownia oil inkstick ( Red-Purplish black 桐華煙 )

The first new inkstick in 25 years! Toukaen Paulownia oil inkstick ( Red-Purplish black 桐華煙 )

We have started selling inksticks made from paulownia oil, the first in 25 years!


It is Toukaen Paulownia oil inkstick ( Red-Purplish black 桐華煙 )

Paulownia oil dries quickly, so it is very difficult to handle. On the other hand, it is possible to make inksticks with very fine particles, so in ancient China and Japan, it was popular with aristocrats and famous writers who were particular about their inksticks.

We have also heard many other interesting stories about paulownia oil from Kobaien. Please take a look.

Paulownia flower and tree ↓


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