Artwork by Eva Tsang, "Ancient hermit / 古代的居士"
artwork_by_customerEva TsangHong Kong

Artwork by Eva Tsang, "Ancient hermit / 古代的居士"


"Ancient hermit, would like to live in seclusion in a quiet environment with green pine forests, can you find the trail of the hermit in the harsh winter?"
Artist: Eva Tsang  - Hong Kong

Year : 2022

Gyouun Sumi Liquid in k by Kobaien

"with a slightly ink fragrance, it can also be described as a slightly fragrance, that ink tone with a slight brown ink tone, it is suitable as a color tone for painting cedars unde3r thin ice and snow. "

Ryuun Sumi Liquid in k by Kobaien

"with a strong ink fragrance, it immediately arouses the artist’s creative impulse. "

With the concentration of “RYUUN SUMI LIQUID INK”, mixed with “GYOUUN SUMI LIQUID INK” this work can produce rich ink and gray tones.  




"古代的居士,喜歡隱居於清幽的環境中, 綠野松林,在嚴冬能否尋找到居士的踪跡?"

畫家 : 曾斯琪女士,香港


創作年份 : 2022







這幅作品採用了古梅園的 ( 龍雲 龙云 由日本奈良的古梅园(古梅園)制造 墨汁 墨液 ) 和 ( 暁雲 暁云 由日本奈良的古梅园(古梅園)制造 墨汁 墨液 ) 來繪畫。


The "PEA" style of Art / 艺术的 "PEA "风格


PEA, an abbreviation for Potential Expressionist Art, is a metaphor for the ‘pea’ which constitutes the heart of a mythological story called Princess and the Pea.

A pea, buried in the soil and being watered, may grow to as high as haotian (meaning ‘boundless skies’). Haotian refers to a unique land bearing the connotation that on the road of artistic exploration, one has to cultivate solid roots (the foundations of sketching, aesthetics and design elements); with such a cornerstone, one can achieve in the boundless realm of art, unleashing one’s potential to the fullest.

Potential Expressionism is a systematic training encompassing aesthetics, design, history and culture. It aims to evoke one’s latent creativity via breaking all conventional shackles to arrive at one’s own artwork. By first encouraging one to make visual marks at random, one is then directed to trace those patterns and associate them with one’s personal belief and aspiration, historical memory, aesthetical inclination, and ultimately creating one’s unique artwork.

Everyone has his or her own hidden potential. What’s important is to search for and give free reign to it !

PEA 是英文Potential Expressionist Art 的縮寫,當中有指涉〈碗豆公主〉此一神話故事中碗豆所蘊含的喻意。一顆碗豆,埋下泥土,澆水便可成長至「昊天」,一個別有洞天的域地,意謂在藝術路上,只要有根(根植素描、美學與設計等基礎元素),有了基石,便可成就於藝術無界地域,隨心所欲發揮潛能。


每個人背後都隱藏著不同的潛能,端的是能否被發掘出來並加以發揮 !


1 comment

Jun 01, 2023
Fielani Pohahau

wow – this is beautiful.

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